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369 lines
* vmelinkcmd.c --
* Program for dealing with the Ultranet VME adapter board..
* Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/lib/forms/RCS/proto.c,v 1.3 90/01/12 12:03:36 douglis Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "sprite.h"
#include "option.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <status.h>
#include <fmt.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dev/xbus.h>
#define SRC_BUFFER 0x1
#define DST_BUFFER 0x2
* Variables settable via the command line.
char *device = "/dev/xbus0";
char* debugString = NULL; /* turn debugging on or off? */
Boolean resetBoards = FALSE; /* reset the boards? */
char* rregStr = NULL;
char* wregStr = NULL;
unsigned int regValue = 0;
unsigned int xorSize = 0x1000;
unsigned int xorDest = 0x0;
unsigned int xorArray[DEV_XBUS_MAX_XOR_BUFS + 4];
Boolean doXor = FALSE;
int whichBuffer = 0;
unsigned int bufAddr = 0;
unsigned int bufSize = 0x100;
char* parityString = NULL;
char *myname = "xbuscmd";
int readXorSrcBuffers ();
char* vmeBoardStr = NULL;
char* useIntrStatusStr = NULL;
unsigned int stripeUnit = 0x8000;
unsigned int testStart = 0;
unsigned int testEnd = 0;
unsigned int numDisks = 2;
unsigned int maxNumReq = 10;
Boolean testStop = FALSE;
Boolean testPrintStats = FALSE;
char statString[DEV_XBUS_TEST_MAX_STAT_STR+10];
Option optionArray[] = {
{OPT_DOC, NULL, NULL, "Usage: xbuscmd [options]"},
{OPT_TRUE, "reset", (Address)&resetBoards,
"Reset the xbus boards."},
{OPT_STRING, "debug", (Address)&debugString,
"Turn debugging ON or OFF."},
{OPT_STRING, "parity", (Address)&parityString,
"Turn parity checking ON or OFF"},
{OPT_STRING, "vmeBoard", (Address)&vmeBoardStr,
"VME link board to lock for accesses."},
{OPT_STRING, "device", (Address)&device,
"Set the xbus device."},
{OPT_STRING, "rreg", (Address)&rregStr,
"Read an xbus register."},
{OPT_STRING, "wreg", (Address)&wregStr,
"Write an xbus register."},
{OPT_INT, "value", (Address)®Value,
"Value to use for writing to a register."},
{OPT_CONSTANT(SRC_BUFFER), "send", (Address)&whichBuffer,
"Send data over the HIPPI-S bus"},
{OPT_CONSTANT(DST_BUFFER), "recv", (Address)&whichBuffer,
"Receive data over the HIPPI-D bus"},
{OPT_INT, "bufAddr", (Address)&bufAddr,
"XBUS address of the HIPPI buffer"},
{OPT_INT, "bufSize", (Address)&bufSize,
"Size (in bytes) of the HIPPI buffer"},
{OPT_INT, "xorSize", (Address)&xorSize,
"Size (in bytes) of the XOR buffers."},
{OPT_INT, "xorDest", (Address)&xorDest,
"XOR destination buffer (in XBUS address space)."},
{OPT_GENFUNC, "xorSrc", (Address)readXorSrcBuffers,
"XOR source buffer(s) (in XBUS address space)."},
{OPT_STRING, "useIntrStatus", (Address)&useIntrStatusStr,
"Turn use of interrupt status ON or OFF."},
{OPT_INT, "testStart", (Address)&testStart,
"Start of XBUS memory for overall test."},
{OPT_INT, "testEnd", (Address)&testEnd,
"End of XBUS memory for overall test."},
{OPT_INT, "stripeUnit", (Address)&stripeUnit,
"Stripe unit size for XBUS overall test."},
{OPT_INT, "numDisks", (Address)&numDisks,
"Number of disks to use for XBUS overall test."},
{OPT_INT, "maxNumReq", (Address)&maxNumReq,
"Maximum number of requests to do."},
{OPT_TRUE, "testStop", (Address)&testStop,
"Stop the XBUS overall test."},
{OPT_TRUE, "testStats", (Address)&testPrintStats,
"Print the statistics for the last XBUS overall test."},
* readXorSrcBuffers --
* Option parser to read an unknown number of source buffers from
* the command line. It will allow more than one buffer to go
* with the -xorSrc option.
readXorSrcBuffers (optStr, argc, argv)
char* optStr;
int argc;
char** argv;
int numBufs, i;
char* c;
for (numBufs = 0; numBufs < argc; numBufs++) {
xorArray[numBufs+3] = strtoul (argv[numBufs], &c, 0);
if (c == argv[numBufs]) {
if (numBufs == 0) {
printf ("%s: must have at least one source buffer for %s.\n",
myname, optStr);
Opt_PrintUsage(myname, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray));
xorArray[0] = numBufs;
doXor = TRUE;
for (i = numBufs; i < argc; i++) {
argv[i-numBufs] = argv[i];
return (argc - numBufs);
* main --
* Parse the arguments and call the correct procedure.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The state of the xbus board may be modified.
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
int argsLeft;
int fd = -1;
unsigned int regNum;
char *c;
ReturnStatus status;
extern int errno;
argsLeft = Opt_Parse(argc, argv, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray), 0);
if ((argsLeft > 1) || (argc < 2)) {
Opt_PrintUsage(myname, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray));
if ((wregStr != NULL) && (rregStr != NULL)) {
printf ("%s: may not both read and write a register.\n");
Opt_PrintUsage(myname, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray));
} else if (wregStr != NULL) {
regNum = strtoul (wregStr, &c, 0);
} else if (rregStr != NULL) {
regNum = strtoul (rregStr, &c, 0);
if (((wregStr != NULL) + (rregStr != NULL) + (whichBuffer != 0) +
(parityString != NULL) + (doXor == TRUE) + (testStart != testEnd) +
(vmeBoardStr != NULL) + (useIntrStatusStr != NULL) +
(testStop == TRUE) + (testPrintStats == TRUE)) > 1) {
printf ("%s: one thing at a time, please!\n", myname);
Opt_PrintUsage(myname, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray));
if ((fd = open (device, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0) {
printf ("%s: Error 0x%x opening %s\n", myname, errno, device);
Opt_PrintUsage(myname, optionArray, Opt_Number (optionArray));
exit (1);
if (debugString != NULL) {
if (!strcasecmp (debugString, "on")) {
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_DEBUG_ON, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
} else if (!strcasecmp (debugString, "off")) {
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_DEBUG_OFF,0, NULL, 0, NULL);
} else {
printf ("%s: -debug requires ON or OFF, not %s!\n", myname,
exit (1);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: modifying debug flag returned 0x%x\n",myname,status);
if (resetBoards) {
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_RESET, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: XBUS_RESET returned 0x%x\n", myname, status);
if (vmeBoardStr != NULL) {
int vmeBoard;
vmeBoard = strtol (vmeBoardStr, NULL, 0);
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_LOCK_VME, sizeof (vmeBoard),
(Address)&vmeBoard, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: couldn't set VME board to lock to %d.\n",
myname, vmeBoard);
} else if (useIntrStatusStr != NULL) {
int oldUse, newUse;
if (!strcasecmp (useIntrStatusStr, "on")) {
newUse = TRUE;
} else if (!strcasecmp (useIntrStatusStr, "off")) {
newUse = FALSE;
} else {
printf ("%s: -useIntrStatus requires ON or OFF, not %s!\n", myname,
exit (1);
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_USE_INTR_STATUS, sizeof (newUse),
(Address)&newUse, sizeof (oldUse),
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: turning interrupt status use %s returned 0x%x\n",
myname, useIntrStatusStr, status);
} else {
printf ("%s: interrupt status use was %s, is now %s.\n", myname,
oldUse ? "ON" : "OFF", useIntrStatusStr);
} else if (parityString != NULL) {
int parity;
if (!strcasecmp (parityString, "on")) {
parity = TRUE;
} else if (!strcasecmp (parityString, "off")) {
parity = FALSE;
} else {
printf ("%s: -parity requires ON or OFF, not %s!\n", myname,
exit (1);
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_CHECK_PARITY, sizeof (parity),
(Address)&parity, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: turning parity %s returned 0x%x\n", myname,
parityString, status);
} else if ((rregStr != NULL) || (wregStr != NULL)) {
DevXbusRegisterAccess acc;
int iocNum;
acc.registerNum = regNum;
acc.value = regValue;
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, iocNum, sizeof(acc),&acc,sizeof(acc),&acc);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: register access returned 0x%x\n", myname, status);
} else {
printf ("Register 0x%03x = 0x%08x\n", acc.registerNum, acc.value);
} else if ((testStart != 0) && (testEnd != 0)) {
unsigned int testArgs[5];
testArgs[0] = testStart;
testArgs[1] = testEnd;
testArgs[2] = stripeUnit;
testArgs[3] = numDisks;
testArgs[4] = maxNumReq;
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_TEST_START, sizeof (testArgs),
testArgs, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: unable to start XBUS test (status = 0x%x).\n", myname,
} else if (testStop) {
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_TEST_STOP, 0, NULL, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: unable to stop XBUS test (status = 0x%x).\n", myname,
} else if (testPrintStats) {
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_TEST_STATS, 0, NULL,
sizeof (statString), statString);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: unable to print XBUS test stats (status = 0x%x).\n",
myname, status);
} else {
printf ("Here is the statistics string:\n");
puts (statString);
} else if (whichBuffer != 0) {
DevXbusRegisterAccess acc;
unsigned int reg;
acc.registerNum = reg;
acc.value = bufSize >> 2;
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_WRITE_REG, sizeof(acc),
&acc, sizeof(acc), &acc);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: unable to push extent (error 0x%x).\n",myname,status);
} else {
acc.registerNum = reg;
acc.value = bufAddr >> 2;
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_WRITE_REG, sizeof(acc),&acc,
sizeof(acc), &acc);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: unable to push buffer address (error 0x%x).\n",
myname, status);
} else {
printf ("%s: queued 0x%x byte buffer at 0x%x for %s.\n",
myname, bufSize, bufAddr,
((whichBuffer == SRC_BUFFER) ? "hippis" : "hippid"));
} else if (doXor) {
int nbufs = xorArray[0];
xorArray[1] = xorSize;
xorArray[2] = xorDest;
status = Fs_IOControl (fd, IOC_XBUS_DO_XOR,
(nbufs + 3) * sizeof (xorArray[0]),
xorArray, 0, NULL);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf ("%s: doing XOR returned 0x%x\n", myname, status);
close (fd);